In a groundbreaking shift for sports entertainment, “WWE Raw” is set to transition from traditional cable TV to the boundless realm of online streaming. Starting in January 2025, WWE will unleash its flagship show exclusively on Netflix, marking a monumental $5 billion collaboration that will eventually bring all WWE programming onto the platform. But before wrestling fans have to switch their bookmarks from cable to streaming, there’s a short bridge period to cover.

Thanks to a tidy $25 million deal revealed in the TKO Earnings Report for the first quarter of 2024, “WWE Raw” will continue to light up TV screens on USA Network through the end of 2024. This arrangement ensures that there won’t be any gap in broadcasting for the beloved wrestling show, despite the upcoming shift in platforms. WWE and NBCUniversal are sticking together like a tag team, keeping “Raw” and adding “WWE SmackDown” to USA Network’s lineup when its current deal with Fox expires this October.

Financial guru Brandon Thurston from Wrestlenomics points out that snagging “Raw” for $25 million for the quarter is a steal for USA, considering their current contract shells out about $66 million per quarter. Talk about a budget-friendly body slam!

While U.S. fans will need to tune into Netflix to catch their wrestling fix from 2025, international viewers in the United Kingdom, Canada, and Latin America will get even more in the ring. Netflix plans to showcase all of WWE’s weekly shows, premium live events, and possibly even treasure troves from WWE’s extensive tape library, including gems from acquired promotions like WCW and ECW.

As WWE gears up to grapple with the streaming giant, it’s clear that the world of wrestling entertainment is about to get a whole lot more accessible. Get ready, fans, because WWE is about to pin down the digital age!

By Joseph Gallery

I like ice cream, taking a back seat, wondering who I am, and pretending kayfabe is real. May or may not be the Real Dark Brandon. For the LOLZ. MALARKEY!

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