Ladies and gentlemen, gather around as we unfold a tale of triumph, perseverance, and a viral villain that dared to challenge the legendary Jim Ross. In May 2024, the AEW broadcaster found himself in the emergency room in Oklahoma, sparking widespread concern across social media for the man, the myth, the legend.
Our hero shared a clip on X (formerly known as Twitter for those keeping score at home) recounting his ordeal. Picture this: Ross, feeling as rough as a cat in a tumble dryer, gets scooped up by his website handler and whisked away to the ER. “So, we went to the emergency medical thing and they admitted me to the hospital right away, so that was kind of scary,” Ross recalled, as stoically as a cowboy facing a stampede. Three nights in the hospital, folks. Three nights! Diagnosed with what can only be described as the infamous ‘Virus A’—a name so generic it sounds like it was ripped from a sci-fi B-movie.
But don’t fret, dear readers. Just like Lawler refusing to lose in Memphis, Ross kicked out at two and a half. He struggled for a few days post-release but, in true wrestling fashion, made a comeback. “Seems like I always kick out — I can’t do any jobs, you know, I’m not in Oklahoma,” he quipped, flexing his indomitable spirit. Ross, the iron man of commentary, assured fans that he’s back on his feet and has traded his oxygen unit for a microphone once more.
However, the seasoned commentator acknowledges the ticking clock. With a realist’s eye, Ross hinted at hanging up his headset by the year’s end. “The final decision will be between me, AEW brass, and my health,” he stated. It’s a three-way dance for the ages, folks.
So, let’s raise a glass to Jim Ross, who once again proved that not even a virus can keep a good man down. Here’s to hoping he keeps calling the shots, slamming the illnesses, and giving us more years of “By God, he’s broken in half!” moments.