Ladies and gentlemen, Corey Graves is reportedly returning to WWE programming tonight on NXT. That’s right, after two weeks of drama, speculation, and enough vague tweets to power an entire NXT 2.0 color palette, it seems the voice of velvet cynicism is heading back to his commentary throne.

But let’s not ignore the real story here. Was this a legitimate fallout or one of the most elaborate works since Vince McMahon retired that one time? (Spoiler: He didn’t.)

A Timeline as Confusing as Graves’ Neck Tattoos

Two weeks ago, Graves got booted from SmackDown to NXT, reportedly against his wishes. Social media posts ensued—cryptic ones, of course, because this is wrestling—and by last week, Graves was mysteriously absent from NXT and Speed. Now, reports suggest he’s back tonight, rehearsing as if the last two weeks were just a fever dream.

Insiders have two theories:

  1. Graves was legitimately upset. Understandable. Nobody wants to downgrade from the SmackDown pyro budget to NXT’s moody neon aesthetic.
  2. It’s all a work, because, let’s face it, wrestling loves its “Is this real or fake?” storylines almost as much as it loves surprise ladder matches.

Contract Drama? Never Fear

For those worried this kerfuffle might send Graves packing, don’t forget: he re-signed with WWE in early 2024. That deal locks him down for years unless the drama reaches Bret Hart-level Montreal Screwjob messiness. But hey, stranger things have happened. Remember when Enzo Amore was Cruiserweight Champion?

So, is everything patched up? Is Graves happy? Does anyone ever really “leave” WWE without showing up three months later for a shock return? Tune in tonight to find out—same wrestling time, same wrestling channel.

By Joseph Gallery

I like ice cream, taking a back seat, wondering who I am, and pretending kayfabe is real. May or may not be the Real Dark Brandon. For the LOLZ. MALARKEY!

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